Full Width text generator 🔥

Input or upload your normal text, and this full width text generator will immediately generates full width text for you.

What is a Full Width Text Generator?

If you want to give a retro or 80s text look to your normal text, this full width text generator is for you. This text generator can convert your ordinary text into full width characters in seconds.

What is full width text?

Full Width text refers to the text that spans the entire width of the normal text. In other words, the text is stretched from the left edge to the right edge. These full width characters are more often used in designing layouts to create visually appealing effects.

Example of the Full width text is “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

How to use a full width text converter?

Follow the below steps to learn how to generate full width font.

  1. Enter your text in the input box (You can also load a sample and upload your file). whatsapp
  2. As you input your text, this full width font generator will immediately convert it. whatsapp
  3. Now Praise yourself, copy your full width text, and use it wherever you want😊. whatsapp

By following the above steps you can easily create the full width text within a few seconds, a part from it you can also use our other tools such as invisible character, square text generator, and thin text generator

Features of this full width characters generator

Some of the salient features are given below:

  • Open source:
  • This full width text generator is open-source and free to use. You don’t need to spend a little penny on buying full width font while the presence of this tool.

  • Easy to use:
  • This tool is really easy to use. Enter your text in the input box, and your desired full width font will appear in the output box.

  • Multiple options:
  • You can use the file upload option to enter your text in bulk. Also, you can use the load sample option to test the tool with sample text and a clear text button to clear the input box with just one click.

  • Compatible with all devices Browsers & OS:
  • One of the great features is that it is compatible with all the devices such as android mobiles, PC, iPhones, operating systems (Macintosh, Windows, and Linux), and browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox).

    Uses of this full width font generator:

    There are enormous situations where you can use this full width text generator, some of them are given below:

  • Designing Layouts and posts:
  • This text generator is handy for creating visually appealing graphics and social media posts.

  • Writing comments in code:
  • If you are a developer, then you know the importance of commenting on the code, by using the full width text for commenting in your code will separate your actual code style from the comments.

  • Full width text for Pubg & Fortnite:
  • Pubg and Fortnite don’t offer font style-changing options. This tool can simplify your life if you want to use the full width font in your pubg & Fortnite profile names.

  • Full Width text for WhatsApp messages:
  • Many users don’t want to integrate any third-party font app with their WhatsApp for security reasons, so this tool helps them to use the full width text copy-paste directly into their WhatsApp messages.

  • Discord Server and profile names:
  • You can use this text generator to create the full width discord server and profile names which separate you from the other users on the platform.